Thursday, June 14, 2012

The High Heels Side of Life

I'm sad to say that this weekend I won't be able to hike =[. However, it's for a good reason and I'd like to tell you about it!

This summer, Hubs and I are going on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic! The trip is a collaborative effort consisting of multiple churches and about 20 missionaries. Every year, Youth For Christ/Project Serve (if you click the link and watch the video, you'll see both Hubs and I!) sends 3 groups of missionaries to a church in the little town of Pimentel. The mission groups run medical missions providing families with the only medical care they'll see until the group returns, construction projects that maintain the church facilities, make necessary repairs to homes in the area, and build homes for residents that are living in tin shacks, and lastly the missions groups run Vacation Bible Schools that often see 300-400 children between the ages of 1-15.

The cost of the trip is built so that a large portion from every missionary is given to the church in Pimentel, which uses that money to run a school, MIVA, on the premises. MIVA is free to the children, and they are given what is often their only meal for the day.

Hubs and I have been to the Dominican Republic several times with this particular trip. In recent years we haven't been able to go, so we are really looking forward to going again. Every year, raising the money to go is a struggle, but somehow (by the Grace of God) it all comes in. Which brings me to the reason for my post!

This Saturday June 16, my band Beautiful Tragedy will be performing at a coffee house fundraiser to help the team raise money for the trip. The coffee house is going to be awesome! I've organized another two bands to join ours in playing, there will be people who've been on the trip speaking about their experiences, and coffee and baked goods! I'd like to invite you out to join us, if you're in the area!

Saturday, June 16
Elkridge Fire Hall
6275 Old Washington Blvd
Elkridge, MD 21075
Click Here for more information.

We are selling tickets, since it's a fundraiser. All the ticket info is in the link, and how to get advanced tickets if you don't want to buy at the door.

I'll be there in my heels, of course =] Probably shiny black ones.. or maybe my animal print ones since I'm going to wear my red pants... Or I could wear.... Oh! Sorry, back to the blog..

I would *love* it if you could come out and support a great cause! Your ticket purchase will make it possible for a missionary to go on the trip, which will give money to MIVA to keep kids eating and in school, which will give them the necessary education to grow up to be productive citizens. Your ticket purchase will bless that missionary by allowing them to see what life is like outside of America and instill in them a sense of value for life, it will allow them to bless the Dominicans by carrying much needed household supplies, clothes, and school supplies that a lot families can't afford to buy. And lastly, your ticket purchase will bless YOU, and give you the satisfaction of being a willing participant in the Great Commission and God's plan for you:

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday! It's going to be a great event!

MIVA Dominican Republic 2007

Thank you so much for visiting My Journey from High Heels to Hiking Boots! I'd love to hear from you in the comments section! You can also follow me by email at the top of the left hand navigation bar by simply entering your email address. Happy Trails!


  1. You know in life there has to be a little of everything otherwise it gets boring.

  2. You're right! And I do love to sing, so I'm looking forward to Saturday even though it means I can't hike! =]


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